Monday, May 28, 2012

April 2012

In this letter I thought I would share some of what my students are doing.  I asked them to write about how they are using the class and how this has affected their lives.  You are very much a part of this ministry these testimonies are for you also.  My students appreciate your prayers for themselves and their students.
Teo, Derek and I are all doing well.  We greatly appreciate your prayers and pray you are well and always encouraged in the LORD.

Here is a translation of what two wrote.

Hello beloved Bother Glenn,
These lines I now write to make known that the LORD God is using you in a very special way in my life.
I thank the LORD God for you, because he entrusted to you the ministry.  I am witness that you do very well and also know that the LORD God will give you your reward in this life, but also in the coming because that is his promise and it is no lie. I want you to know since what I'm studying in Firm Foundations, the LORD God revealed many lessons to me and purpose for my life.  Now we are studying in my house in a "small group Bible Study" I am teaching the same material and not only attendees are enriched
in the knowledge of our LORD Jesus Christ, but myself also. I am still learning to review each lesson and the LORD has confirmed me as a good disciple, able to teach others also.
I give thanks to God for your life and your ministry in education. I will be praying for you for the LORD God to continue to bless you, taking care and enabling you in this work, and caring for your family that you can also quietly dedicate confidently to his service.
The LORD God be with you today and always.
Your brother in Christ.

Dios le bendiga hermano Glenn,
Estoy muy agradecida con El Señor porque es fiel y sus promesas verdaderas, agradezco a mi Dios porque le envió a ud y nos está dando el curso de fundamentos firmes, ya le había comentado que gracias a ello mi hermana.  Gina y mi sobrino Fernando están conociendo a Dios, las dos primeras lecciones se veían un poco tiesos, pero a medida que avanzamos en el conocimiento de su palabra los noto cada día más interesados en ellas, bendito sea su nombre para siempre!..Pero el día de hoy le tengo una noticia maravillosa hermano mi esposo que es ateo acepto recibir las clases!!!! Y el día de ayer domingo de resurrección recibió la primera!!! ALELUYA! no sabe ud lo emocionada que me encuentro y pido a Dios que me dé sabiduría para hacerlo como El desea, todo esto no seria posible sin su valiosa ayuda hermano Dios le bendiga grandemente.Cristo vive hermano!!! Y por su gracia vive en mí!!! ALELUYA!!!.